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Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL's) are just as important as basic Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) but are often not emphasized as much.  Here are some Instrumental ADLs and factors OT’s can assess for each:


Meal preparation: safety, joint protection, problem solving, clean up, storage of food and kitchenware


Money management: budgeting, saving, spending, safety (avoiding identify theft/scams)


Housework: energy conservation, safety, body mechanics, planning


Shopping: problem solving, money management, organization, decision making


Medication management: scheduling, accuracy


Telephone use: dialing, answering, proper hanging up, emergency phone list


Use of other technology: cordless phones, cell phones, computer use


Safety: proper shoe wear, first-aid, caregiver education about home safety.


Other IADL to evaluate are community mobility and care of others (this could include babysitting a grandchild, caring for a sick spouse or caring for pets).



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